Prayer Answered

Prayer Answered

The following incident occurred a few years ago while we were in Bombay.

Mrs. Raju is the office secretary at the Western India Union office in Pune, India. Her husband is the treasurer at the Adventist Media Centre. They have two children, Raul and Shruti.

The following incident occurred a few years ago while we were in Bombay. My children were quite small then. My son was 4 years old and my daughter was 1 year old. My son, Raul, who from an early age wanted to become a pastor, would carry his Bible to church and sit in the front row. He enjoyed the choir and loved to watch the pianist at the keyboard.

One Saturday Raul became very ill with fever. Dur­ing church we rushed him to the hospital. The doctors checked him and gave him some medicine. His tem­perature was already 104° F. I was frantic with worry as my mind did a flashback. When he was about 3 years old, he had gotten a high fever, had convulsions, and stopped breathing. My family and I had nearly given up hope then, but miraculously, he recovered after prompt treatment. Now I was worried that he would get con­vulsions again. The doctor assured me that he had given my son a very strong medicine to bring his fever down quickly. Feeling quite relieved, we brought Raul home. Church was still going on when we returned. I was pre­paring to give my son his medicine.

Suddenly I noticed my precious child twisting and turning, with his eyes rolling upwards and upwards. I was extremely frightened and could not bear to see my son suffering so much. My husband had just stepped out of the house to get something for our son. I did not have anyone near me when this happened. I began to scream loudly, “Please help! Please help!” and prayed a quick prayer in my heart. Since the church was very close to our house, many people in the church heard me and were in no time in our house. To my surprise, there was a doctor in the church, and he began to examine my son and told me not to worry. He helped us take the child to the same hospital. Immediately the doctor took Raul to the emergency room. We had to wait outside, but the doctor who came with us and his wife went with the other doctor into the emergency room.

When they came out, they told us not to worry and told us that Raul was going to the private ward. When we went to see him, he was sleeping. While he was sleep­ing, so many scary thoughts went through my mind, I thought that he would not be able to think like other children, or he would be disabled, or he would never be well again.

After a few hours he woke up, but he was not able to recognize anyone. I prayed very hard and cried, asking God why all these problems happened to a poor inno­cent child.

Suddenly I heard him call, “Mummy, why did you bring me here?” It made me so happy that he was all right. I realized that God had been with my child every mo­ment. Since Raul was weak, he had to be in the hospital for two and half days. We finally brought our child home and thanked God for His love and mercy on us.

Today this child is 15 years old, and he is trying hard to complete his government exam. He is a very helpful child. He likes to help cook, bake, fix the scooter, or repair old cassette players. If anyone is sick, he is ready with the Bible to go and pray for him or her. Whenever he prays, he prays so sincerely and earnestly that one feels that he is talking directly to God. He has so much faith in God and believes that his prayers will be an­swered. I am so thankful that God answers prayer!

Mrs. Raju is the office secretary at the Western India Union office in Pune, India. Her husband is the treasurer at the Adventist Media Centre. They have two children, Raul and Shruti.