Pavel Goia, was born into communist Romania. From an early age on he knew clearly that God had called him to ministry. However, in a communist country following that calling was not an easy task. He promised to serve God and fulfill his calling. His faithfulness was tested often. The events that ensued are chronicled by the book One Miracle After Another: The Pavel Goia Story, by Gregg Budd.

He was trained in a variety of fields, from law to music, engineering, and business, until he finally ended up studying theology. After six years of pastoring in Romania he spent some time in Norway at the European Bible School, becoming certified in Organic Agriculture & Healthy Lifestyle. He then moved to the United States where he pursued a Bachelor of Theology from Southern Adventist University, and later the M.Div and D.Min program at Andrews University.

Pavel pastored in Wisconsin for nine years and in Kentucky for seven years. He was a member of the Ministerial Advisory Committee for the North American Division, and is now serving as an Associate Ministerial Director for the General Conference Ministerial Association as well as the Editor for Ministry Magazine.

Pavel is married to Daniela, they have two grown children, Gabriel and Ovidiu.

His life has been filled with powerful answers to prayer and continues to be one miracle after another.

Primary responsibilities

Contact Pavel

  • +1 301-680-6507